Berti, E., Rosenbaum, B., Brose, U., & Vollrath, F., 2023. Energy landscapes direct the movement preferences of elephants. British Ecological Society annual meeting.


Bauer, B., Berti, E., ..., & Brose, U., 2022. From regional to local scale: biotic interactions shape multilayer food-webs. SFE-GFO-EEF biannual meeting (invited contribution).
Berti, E., ..., & Svenning, J.C., 2022. State-space models show that functional replacements of extinct megafauna have distinct habitat preference in a European rewilding area. SFE-GFO-EEF biannual meeting.


GreniƩ, M., Berti, E., Carvajal-Quintero, J. D., Winter, M., & Sagouis, A., 2021. Matching Species Names Across Biodiversity Databases: Sources, tools, pitfalls and best practices for taxonomic harmonization. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards.


Berti, E., ..., & Svenning, J.C., 2019. Rewiring food webs via trophic rewilding. British Ecological Society annual meeting.